Sunday, July 17, 2016

Those eyes

I have always been fascinated by people's eyes - especially when taking photos.
Chloe's eyes have been some of my favorites though.  I am so enthralled by this little girl's eyes!

This little one is 4 months old today and we love her little spirit.  She brings so much spunk and joy into our lives.  She laughs and smiles all the time, unless she's sleepy or hungry; she even laughs/smiles with diaper changes, silly baby.  She loves being on her tummy (especially when she sleeps), which is bizarre considering how much she hated her tummy a month ago. She is super duper ticklish - almost to the point where it sounds painful. . . She adores her daddy, unless she's hungry, then she loves ME and only me :)  She is so observant of everything.  She is a horrible night time sleeper, but a great nap time sleeper (I guess you take what you can get) :)  She has found her thumb as of about a week ago, and slobbers/SOAKS everything and everyone ;)  We love her to pieces and cannot imagine life without our little bundle of joy.
Now for the photo overload :) Enjoy!