Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Cheesy Smiles

And just like that, Chloe is already two months!  These last two months as a mom have been so life changing and so wonderful.  I get to wake up at all hours to a little lady that is 100% dependent on me.  That same little lady that is full of smiles, giggles, cries and toots.  I'm so happy to call her mine!  She really has been one of the sweetest blessings in mine and Jared's life.  I am in love with her infectious smile and personality and I cannot wait to learn more about this tiny little human that makes us so happy :)

She's good at cheesin' ;)
I will say that with her turning 2 months, the thing I didn't look forward to were the shots . . .
She cried for about 10 seconds (worst EVER), and then just wanted to snuggle with Jared.
So adorable.  When I brought her home, she just wanted to snuggle with me :)
One of the best moments ever.
Little did I know that the next day would be a little rougher, but we survived :)

Even when our AC goes out TWICE in 3 days,
we can still get some smiles out of this little hot body . . .
We decided that with how hot it was in the apartment, no clothes were necessary :)
 . . . But for her to fall asleep, we needed direct fan blowing :P silly girl