Monday, February 9, 2015


Live life to the fullest, love someone so much you can't live without them, laugh so hard it makes you cry and be so happy all you want to do is smile :)

I believe happiness to be a choice; and like all choices, some are harder/easier than others.  This was a shirt that popped up on my pinterest the other day while searching for photography ideas, I absolutely love it!

It's very easy to get caught in a "everything is just perfect right now" phase.  I find this to be a little backwards because, let's face it, half the time it's an illusion to people that perfect is the new 'norm'. I believe that focusing on an attitude of happiness (regardless of everything being just so) is a much more practical option.  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to give advice here, I understand that there are lots of struggles that everyone (INCLUDING ME) go through . . . but . . . that's life, and unfortunately, it'll be that way for quite a while, so we might as well try to be happy through it, otherwise, like the shirt above, we'll start to look forward to sleep for our happiest moments rather than living our happiness ;)

Jared is absolutely a wonderful comedian without even trying to be :) Just the other day we were out looking for a papasan chair (click here if you don't know what they are - I didn't know they were called that).  We walked through an expensive, odd taste, furniture store and found some random pieces of furniture . . . no luck in a papasan chair, but we found this gem!

Naturally, Jared wanted to sit in this one, as he tried to act like he owned the place . . .
He was trying really hard not to laugh :)

There's a quote that I love and am striving to live more fully:

The definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results," so if you're looking for a way to be happier, I suggest laughing more, loving more, helping people more, and just smiling more.