Sunday, November 24, 2013

crazy shenanigans

First off, let me apologize for how long it has been . . .  Second, someone very wonderful (*cough, jared, cough*) pointed out to me, that our blog should have more pictures of us . . . yeah I'm usually behind the lens.  I had to change that . . . I have what's called photographer syndrome :)  SO when we have adventures, I've tried to be a little better about taking pictures of us.

My work has been having themed parties every Friday night, and this last Friday it was Candyland themed.  I somehow convinced Jared to come with me, and he even dressed up :)  We had lots of fun!

Ok before I get too ahead of myself, let me first back up all the way to Halloween.  Jared and I took a trip to Target to get some ideas, turns out we just messed around for about an hour . . . and Jared tried this wonderful hat on :)

However, we wanted to coordinate our costumes (and by we, I mean me), and I didn't have any ideas to go with this hat, so we ditched it.  I kept looking and looking for ideas that were inexpensive and fun. Found it :)

Jared was such a good sport and wore this costume.  For those who don't know, we're Google maps.  We went to our Church ward's Trunk or Treat and most of the kids just looked at us with confusion; however, there were some smarties that figured us out.  The adults all thought it was hilarious.

Ok, now fast forwarding a couple weeks.  I have wanted to make zucchini bread ever since we got married, and we finally did it.  My cousin Kristi was sweet enough to give us her recipe and the loaves turned out delicious :) Here's a before and after picture.

The middle of November, Christmas things started popping up in the stores.  I decided to get a little crafty and decorate :)  These are just a few of the crafts.