At about 37 weeks, I remember in the middle of the night, Tucker went from being head down to breech. The pain was so strong, I was sure that something was wrong. We went in for our appointment a couple days later and sure enough. He was breech. They gave me the option to just opt for a c-section or try what they call a 'version' where they manually flip/turn the baby from the outside of my stomach. It was not pleasant, but boy am I grateful for doctors and their years of hard work and studying.. Tucker remained head down until delivery!
Tucker was due July 19th, 2019, and here we were on July 14th around 1pm on a Sunday afternoon. We had gone to church earlier that morning and I was feeling a little uncomfortable during Relief Society, I felt a few contractions, but nothing that I couldn't just lightly breathe through. By the time we had gotten home, they were a little stronger and I had to take seconds to breathe in between the 20 minute timed contractions. I really liked laboring on an exercise ball, the pain relief it created during contractions was amazing. By about 3 or 4pm, Jared suggested we call Ginny and just have her over here in case things escalated quickly and we needed to leave Chloe. I'm grateful he suggested that because by about 5pm Contractions were about 2-3 minutes apart..
The drive to the hospital really wasn't that bad, we were able to park the car and walk in. We got ourselves to Labor and Delivery and they had me check in and sign a couple papers. Just in those couple minutes alone, I had 2 contractions, so they admitted us back to a room pretty quickly. The nurse came and checked me and I was already at a 6 -- she asked if I wanted an epidural, which of course I did. So they did a rush order and meanwhile got me comfortable in a gown and on an exercise ball. The exercise ball SAVED me during all of my contractions.
The anesthesiologist came in with some paperwork for the epidural, and he was funny. I remember him telling jokes while trying to get me to sign off on the paperwork. Last thing I wanted to do while mid contractions -- Jared asked if he could sign, but they wouldn't let him.
Our nurse Kristi was phenomenal and so kind, she was able to keep us laughing and just informed on the order of events.
They got me all set to do the epidural, and they checked how far dilated I was one last time... and I was already at an 8... but I WANTED THAT EPIDURAL.
Once they got that in at about 8 or so, by about 10:30pm I was dilated to a 10 and ready to push. He came quick, in about 9 minutes and he was crying. This was a little different, Chloe didn't cry nor did I get to hold her right away. This time, I got to hold a fresh newborn baby and snuggle him before they bathed and cleaned him up. I immediately felt a rush of emotions and couldn't hold back the tears.
Sleep was rough that first night, Jared and I didn't get much sleep - with doctors coming in and out and Tucker waking to feed and be changed, but I was so grateful for everything that was happening; our new child, modern medicine, family to help watch our other child. Just so many emotions.
Chloe came and visited the hospital the next day -- as well as Grandma Ginny and Papa Kevin and our good friend Maddy Steffensen who took some family photos of us in the hospital. I am forever grateful for her capturing those moments when Chloe first saw Tucker and held him. The exhaustion, happiness and love was overwhelming.
This hospital was so sweet and gave us a "celebration meal" with some sparkling cider on our last night at the hospital. Jared and I took turns holding Tucker for a couple hours so the other could get a little nap. With no complications or anything, we were checked out of the hospital pretty quickly; and to become a family of four :)
We are so in love with this little handsome guy. He is such a calm and happy baby, just content to watch his sister run around and make him laugh.
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Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Ginny |
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Grandpa Kevin and Grandma Ginny |