Friday, October 21, 2016

Just another month

Not too much has happened over the past month . . .
But there's always new adventures with Chloe, so I'll share some of those :)
She has not found the need to crawl yet, and I think I'm ok with that -- no need to Chloe proof things yet ;) She's still just as busy and just as noisy rolling around, kicking furiously and giggling.

We introduced some "solid" baby food to her about a month ago . . . She's not a fan. Rice, veggies, fruit, nothing. She first realized that she could close her lips tight; that made it difficult for Jared and I to get food in there . . . then we figured we could make her smile or laugh and that mouth of hers would pop wide open; that lasted 2 feedings/days . . . then she pushed her tongue inbetween her lips in an attempt to keep food from getting into her mouth. Well, it worked. The task of feeding her became that much harder.

Now she uses gums, tongue and lips . . . so it just takes A LOT of distractions in an effort to get food into that tiny mouth :) Quad-copters worked for a while to distract her . . . now they don't phase her. She's a little too smart for her own good hehe, but we love her determination and personality (even if it means an hour long feeding). . .

So, aside from the food adventures, she's still just as giggly and smiley, and we LOVE it - it's so easy to make her smile and laugh, it's great.

She's started doing this whole nose crinkle thing and it is my favorite! She used to do it when she was upset or sleepy, but now it's for anything - happy, sad, excited, sleepy, anything. Sometimes the crinkle is more pronounced than others, here's a good one I caught on camera :)
Hehe, it's just perfect and adorable.
She also loves to Facetime . . . and make faces 
This little lady is now 7 months, so here's my photo overload of her :) 
I got a little carried away - she's just got too much personality to not keep taking photos - whoops!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Toes, Storytime and Idaho

Another photo overload post -- just so you're warned :)

A little over a month ago, this little lady found her toes and now she holds onto them ALL THE TIME . . .
Everyone knows, when you find your toes, you . . . suck on them?
yup, she's fascinated . . .
. . . Even when she's reading books with daddy . . . toes! hehe
Another exciting adventure that Chloe has discovered. She's started sitting up. . .and falling over. . .
In other news, WE MOVED TO IDAHO! A little bittersweet. We miss Austin, Texas very dearly, but we love being closer to family.  We are loving this new adventure and are ready for some fun times ahead.
Found a fun story time that Chloe LOVES.  She is always smiling and laughing and can't sit still :)
She's very noisy during story time - and has attracted a lot
of the other little kids over to play with her :P
(sorry it's blurry) She LOVES our walks in the morning. It's starting to get a little chilly in
the morning, so we're going to have to start bundling up in the mornings!
She also loves to randomly hold her leg in the air . . .
not sure what that's about.
This face! She'll occasionally look up at me and just stare.
It's so wonderful.
Daddy play time . . .
No crawling yet, but she's definitely started getting more curious.
She'll push up on her hands and her knees. . . just not together :)
She laughs at just about anything -- if you make a funny or happy face after :)
Chloe is now 6 months old (as of Saturday)! Time just keeps on moving. She loves to eat her toes, her hands (she can shove that full fist in her mouth), my hands . . . just about anything that she can get into her mouth, which means lots and lots and LOTS of slobber, yuck. She loves to read. She has definitely learned how to look at the camera, probably because I'm constantly taking so many photos :) She loves her daddy so much. I can be making her laugh and smile, but as soon as Jared walks in the room, I do not exist (but I'm ok with that). It is incredible how happy this little sweetheart makes Jared and I.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Those eyes

I have always been fascinated by people's eyes - especially when taking photos.
Chloe's eyes have been some of my favorites though.  I am so enthralled by this little girl's eyes!

This little one is 4 months old today and we love her little spirit.  She brings so much spunk and joy into our lives.  She laughs and smiles all the time, unless she's sleepy or hungry; she even laughs/smiles with diaper changes, silly baby.  She loves being on her tummy (especially when she sleeps), which is bizarre considering how much she hated her tummy a month ago. She is super duper ticklish - almost to the point where it sounds painful. . . She adores her daddy, unless she's hungry, then she loves ME and only me :)  She is so observant of everything.  She is a horrible night time sleeper, but a great nap time sleeper (I guess you take what you can get) :)  She has found her thumb as of about a week ago, and slobbers/SOAKS everything and everyone ;)  We love her to pieces and cannot imagine life without our little bundle of joy.
Now for the photo overload :) Enjoy!